Thursday, March 08, 2018

12 Benefits of Test Automation

12 Benefits of Test Automation

1. Saves time and money

Software tests have to be repeated often during development cycles to ensure quality. Every time source code is modified software tests should be repeated. For each release of the software, it may be tested on all supported operating systems and hardware configurations. Manually repeating these tests is costly and time-consuming. Once created, automated tests can be run over and over again at no additional cost and they are much faster than manual tests. Test automation can reduce the time to run repetitive tests from days to hours. A time saving that translates directly into cost savings. It is of no surprise that, while the initial investment may be on the higher side, automated testing saves companies a lot in the long run. It contributes to a higher quality of work, thereby decreasing the necessity for fixing glitches after release and reduces project costs.

2. Improves accuracy

Even the most conscientious tester will make mistakes during monotonous manual testing. Automated tests perform the same steps precisely every time they are executed and never forget to record detailed results. Developers freed from repetitive manual tests have more time to create new automated tests and deal with complex features

3. Automation does what manual testing cannot

Even the largest software development and QA departments cannot perform a controlled web application test with thousands of users. Automated testing can simulate tens, hundreds or thousands of virtual users interacting with a network, devices, software and web applications.

4. Increases your test coverage

Test automation and automated tests can increase the depth and scope of tests to help improve software quality. Lengthy tests that are often avoided during manual testing can be run unattended. They can even be run on multiple computers with different configurations. Automated software testing can look inside an application and see memory contents, data tables, file contents, and internal program states to determine if the product is behaving as expected. Test automation can easily execute thousands of different complex test cases during every test run providing coverage that is impossible with manual tests.

5. Run tests 24/7

No matter where you are in the world. You can start the tests when you leave the office and when you get back in the morning you can see the results and keep on working. You can even do that remotely if you don't have a lot of devices or you don't have the possibility to buy them.

6. Faster feedback

Test automation comes as a relief for validation during various phases of a software project. This improves communication among coders, designers and product owners, and allows potential glitches to be immediately rectified. Test automation assures higher efficiency of the development team. Besides that the earlier a defect is identified, the more cost-effective it is to fix the glitch.

7. Testing efficiency improvement

Testing takes up a significant portion of the overall application development lifecycle. This goes to show that even the slightest improvement of the overall efficiency can make an enormous difference to the overall timeframe of the project. Although the setup time takes longer initially, automated tests eventually take up a significantly lesser amount of time. They can be run virtually unattended, leaving the results to be monitored towards the end of the process.

8. Reusability of automated tests

Due to the repetitive nature of test automation test cases, in addition to the relatively easy configuration of their setup, software developers have the opportunity to assess program reaction. Automated test cases are reusable and can hence be utilized through different approaches.

9. Thoroughness in testing

Testers tend to have different testing approaches, and their focus areas could vary due to their exposure and expertise. With the inclusion of automation, there is a guaranteed focus on all areas of testing, thereby assuring best possible quality.

10. Faster time-to-market

Test automation greatly helps reduce the time-to-market of an application by allowing continuous delivery. See Test Automation and Automated Tests.

11. Improved information security

The effectiveness of testing will be largely dependent on the quality of the test data you use. Manually creating quality test data takes time and as a result, testing is often performed on copies of live databases. Automation solutions can help with creating, manipulating and protecting your test database, allowing you to re-use your data time and again.

12. Ability to do full regression testing each deployment 

With short cycles, manual regression testing is nearly impossible. Iterative and incremental development implies that code is not frozen at the end of the iteration but instead has the potential to be changed each iteration. Therefore, manual regression testing would mean rerunning most of the manual test–every iteration. Automating the tests therefore pays back quickly.
Posted on Thursday, March 08, 2018 by Henrico Dolfing